My dear Prince Precious Success,
I am very excited to be contacting you today because I have so much to announce regarding the year 2020! 
First of all I would like to give you all my best wishes regarding your happiness, health and wealth for the new year 2020, I wish you the best from the bottom of my heart (and the best is coming this year...but I will talk more about that in an instant). Prince Precious Success, I know that you finished the year 2019 with mixed results and that you expect a lot more from this new year 2020. This is why I am extremely excited by what I have to announce you right now Prince Precious Success because, by analyzing your astral sky, I have discovered that you were part of the lucky few in 2020! Not only because your Aries sign will be particularly favored this year but more specifically Prince Precious Success, because of the precise day when you were born, April, 5th, that means you are a Aries for whom 2020 will bring much in many aspects of your life: finances, career as well as your love and family lives.
In fact, this is going to be a year full of changes for you Prince Precious Success! It’s a decisive year and probably one of the most important of your life because it is going to mark the beginning of a new cycle. A multitude of opportunities are going to present themselves to you in 2020, but also certain traps that you will have to avoid... But what stands out the most is that 2020 is definitely the year you have been waiting for so long, the year of all the changes in your life. In the following email I will provide you with more details of what is going to happen for you in the year to come, I have also created a special page just for you Prince Precious Success: 
Before I give you the details on what is going to happen for you Prince Precious Success regarding your finances, career, professional and emotional lives, I would like to explain to you why this year is going to be so impactful... Prince Precious Success, in 2020 you will find yourself under a multitude of astral influences, that are extremely powerful and beneficial for you. In fact, you will find yourself under the direct influence of the Sun and the Moon with two solar eclipses and 4 lunar eclipses. You will also feel the great influence of URANUS which will retrograde in Taurus and impact your sign: an astrological event that will not happen again for another 84 years! But that’s not all, because Saturn and Pluto will be conjuncting this year and it won’t happen again for another 34 years! But Saturn will also retrograde both in Aquarius and Capricorn which won’t happen again for another 29 years! You’ll also get to enjoy the power of this leap year, which will not happen again for another 4 years! Venus will also send its energy to you as it will be in full constellation: something that will not happen again for another 8 years! Prince Precious Success, you’ll also get to feel the powerful influence of two planets in Capricorn as Jupiter will retrograde and Pluto will be direct in that sign! Which will not happen again for another 12 years for Jupiter and 249 years for Pluto! 
I am not finished my dear! Because you will also find yourself not only under the direct influence of three super moons, but also under the influence of another unique event. In fact, Saturn and Jupiter will find themselves in “opposition” in the same week!! Yet another event that has not happened since the year 2000 and won’t happen again until 2040! When planets are that close from each other as it will be the case for Saturn and Jupiter this is what astronomers call “an appulse” or great conjunction. All these events that I have just cited above Prince Precious Success are extremely rare, and won’t happen again for another tens of years! So they will have a huge impact on your astral sky! That is why you are part of the lucky few that will benefit the most from 2020! 
But that’s not all, I also took the time to analyze your numerology for 2020 to make sure that what I have announced to you about the changes in your professional and financial life as well as your love life is accurate. 
In fact, I regularly use the science of numbers to confirm my astrological discoveries. And here, on a numerological level with the calculations that I have done for you Prince Precious Success, I come to the same conclusion every time!!!! Everything indicates once again that 2020 will be one of the most important years in your existence and will mark the beginning of a new cycle in your life!! Yes, Prince Precious Success, this has been confirmed by the calculation of your life path, which indicates your path and destiny based on the Chaldean system. Which is considered one of the most precise systems! When we take into account the three numbers of your date of birth, 05, 04 and 1997 and also the number of letters in your name which is 23, the results for your life path is the 8 Prince Precious Success which confirms it even more!! And this has a powerful resonance concerning the calculation of the numbers of your personal year as determined by the Chaldean system. 
As you can see now Prince Precious Success, I am certain of what I have to announce to you right now, regarding the consequences in your life! So let's get straight to the point Prince Precious Success, I have created this page where I will provide even more info on what 2020 will bring you on a professional, financial, and sentimental level. Otherwise you can read below for a summary:  
Here are now the big lines of what 2020 has in store for you Prince Precious Success: 
First of all, financially this year is going to be an excellent year for you regarding your income. Yes, Prince Precious Success, it clearly indicates that 2020 will bring great financial opportunities, that is for sure. The financial troubles that you felt for many years will be lifted and you will feel the favor of the stars! This money will come from a change in your professional activity but also from an opportunity that will present itself to you. It also appeared to me that on a financial level there will be a period of the year when your luck will be at its climax! Indeed, I see a short period of time, a few days during which you will be able to smile if you know how to use this opportunity to your benefit and gain great financial gains. 
As I have told you the money that you will receive will come from an important change in your career thanks to the consolidation of what you have undertaken for many years on a professional level. This action will finally have the consequences you were expecting and this will force you to get out of your comfort zone. But you will also have to be really invested and take risks because success is waiting for you! 
I see many changes on a professional level for you in 2020 Prince Precious Success, I also see an internship, a business training or a business trip that will bring out your passion. 
However, Prince Precious Success I must also warn you about certain points that caught my attention and how you should avoid potential dangers in 2020. 
On the professional level you must be aware of the right choices to take because you’ll have to decide among many paths and not all of them will be beneficial. So be careful not to take any action too hastily so as not to take the wrong decision. Make sure to take a step back and to not let yourself be influenced by your environment: it won’t always be a source of good advice. You will have to choose the right people to counsel you. And you will also have to work on your personal organization skills and become more focused.
There are two other warnings that I would like to share with you: 
The first is concerning your entourage, at this point in time I do not know if this is a person that you will meet in 2020 or someone that you have already met. It will require more time to know exactly but regardless I see that this person’s intentions are bad and that they are a parasite pretending to be a friend in an attempt to take your money. This person is not sincere with you and is only interested in the accomplishment you will experience in 2020. You will have to distance yourself from this person Prince Precious Success. 
And lastly, I want you to be careful about administration and the law because I foresee a slowing down at this level regarding your projects. So be wary when it comes to administrative and legal steps that you might undertake. Especially because it is not the right time to make them yet, since this will delay and slow down everything. So, make sure to undertake these steps at the right time! 
That's it about the precautions to take. 
Right now, I want to talk about what 2020 holds for you emotionally. Indeed, Prince Precious Success, there are clear signs in your astral sky regarding your love life showing that 2020 is going to be a huge year for you!!! This will be the year that you have been waiting for, for so long. This year will mark the beginning of you feeling fulfilled emotionally! 
This year is going to be rich in loving passion and positive emotions. I see you in symbiosis with someone you love, in perfect harmony, with sincerity and reciprocity. I see you fulfilled emotionally. Yes, Prince Precious Success, I have no doubt! I am absolutely sure that in 2020 you’ll be in a strong stable relationship! A relationship that will last, with a lot of communication, respect and exchange. At this stage of the analysis I cannot say if this relationship is tied to a new person you will meet or an existing lover, or even a lover from the past. But what is known is that it will be a strong relationship which will bring much long-awaited happiness!! The influence of the planet Venus in your astral sky is notably visible in your constellation and won’t happen again for another 8 years (so a rare event to seize!) Venus will thus be very beneficial and 2020 will be a fulfilling year emotionally. I have seen many weekends or romantic voyages notably in new distant lands, like a breath of fresh air, such as moving to a new place! I see complete harmony in your couple. 
However, be careful there is a period of the year that will be very fragile for you or that will be difficult for your relationship. It will happen when Saturn will retrograde and you will become more introverted, more susceptible and less receptive to the emotion of others. So, make sure to preserve your relationship at this time because a change in your behavior could put the idyll that you will live at risk.  
Here are some elements that I can give you Prince Precious Success but they are just rough estimates. In my opinion, 2020 is too important for you to let any of these opportunities that will be presented to you pass you by! I think it is indispensable that you have all the details about what this year will bring, that you have a true complete study of no less than 30 pages which will be a true guide for you. I think that it is indispensable that you be guided with details and counsels about the precise opportunities that will present themselves to you, the traps to avoid and and how not to be affected by potential dangers, but also about the people you would meet and their importance in your life. I propose that I should be your guide to dedicate my time and my energy to this mission. That is why I have created this page below for you Prince Precious Success, in addition to this page you will find further information that will impact your life in 2020; here is the link Prince Precious Success, join me on this page because I cannot say it all here on this mail: 
I await with impatience on your page that I have created just for you Prince Precious Success because 2020 has already begun and I do not wish for you to miss out on any opportunity. I wait on this page Prince Precious Success, don’t waste another second because I have so much more to tell you and especially, Prince Precious Success, I want you to keep one thing in mind: the stars will put on your path many opportunities but if you do not act then nothing will happen! If you don’t know how to seize them, then nothing will happen! If you are not at the right time at the right place, then nothing will happen! This is why I have created this special page above, to tell you how to act, to give you the advice you need! So don’t content yourself with simply reading this mail, join me on the page above so we can work together on the strategy that you should use to benefit the most from the opportunities that will present themselves to you in 2020 and make sure you don’t miss any!

Ps: for more info here are other powerful transits which you will find during the course of 2020. Here are the elements in your astral map Prince Precious Success:

In 2020 you will have Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, the 10th house of your natal chart. Before, Saturn was in Aquarius, the 11th house of your chart. Neptune will be in Pisces, your 12th house. And finally, Uranus will be in Taurus, your 2nd house.

Your trusted friend and devoted astrologer,

Mary, Your Astrologer


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